Root: Riverfolk Hirelings Pack

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  • 2 - 4 osoby
  • od 10 lat
  • 60 - 90 minut
  • wydanie angielskie
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Uwaga! To nie jest samodzielna gra!
Do rozgrywki wymagana jest podstawowa wersja gry: Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right.
Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right
Need allies? Come row downstream! Discover unique strategies and make the Woodland wilder by adding hirelings. Best with fewer players, great with more! Hirelings can be added to games at any player count. With fewer players, the hirelings add new pieces to the map, ramping up the tension and giving you more tactical options. With more players, some hireling cards will flip over to reveal new special abilities to gain, letting you explore unique and powerful strategies.
Nick Brachmann, Patrick Leder, Cole Wehrle, Joshua Yearsley
Kyle Ferrin
Leder Games

Dostępnych 0 sztuk w magazynie wysyłkowym

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Need allies? Come row downstream! Discover unique strategies and make the Woodland wilder by adding hirelings. Best with fewer players, great with more! Hirelings can be added to games at any player count. With fewer players, the hirelings add new pieces to the map, ramping up the tension and giving you more tactical options. With more players, some hireling cards will flip over to reveal new special abilities to gain, letting you explore unique and powerful strategies.



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854 g
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